The patented technical solution is very simple, why is the patent so complicated to write?
In fact, the simpler the patented technical solution, the more the writer's skills are tested, and the specific reasons can be as follows:
Legal Requirements
Comprehensiveness: The Patent Law requires that the patent application documents must be complete and clear to disclose the technical solution, so that a person skilled in the technical field can realize the invention. This requires a detailed description of all aspects of the technical solution, including the technical background, the purpose of the invention, the specific embodiment, the technical effect, etc., in order to meet the legal requirements for full disclosure of patents.
Accuracy: In order to obtain effective patent protection, patent documents need to accurately define the scope of the invention. The purpose of using complex formulations is to precisely define the technical features of the invention, the boundaries of the claims and the differences from the prior art, to avoid ambiguity or ambiguity, to prevent others from easily bypassing the scope of patent protection, and to provide a clear legal basis in possible patent disputes.
2. the technical description is required
Complete presentation of technical details: Even if a patented technical solution may seem simple conceptually, its actual implementation process may involve many specific technical details, parameters, steps and conditions. For example, a simple mechanical device may need to describe in detail the shape, size, material, connection method, assembly sequence, and working principle of each part, so that a person skilled in the art can accurately understand and reproduce the invention.
Covering multiple embodiments: In order to adequately protect an invention, a patent document often needs to describe a variety of possible embodiments of a technical solution. This is because inventors may have explored multiple ways to achieve the same invention in the process of research and development, or need to demonstrate the flexibility and scalability of technical solutions taking into account different application scenarios and conditions.
3. Expansion of the scope of protection
Prevent infringement circumvention: If the patent document simply describes the core content of the technical solution, others may circumvent the infringement by making some minor changes or adjustments to the core content. Through a complex and comprehensive drafting method, various deformations and equivalent alternatives related to the core technology can be included in the scope of patent protection, which makes it more difficult for others to infringe.
Forward-looking protection: Inventors want patents to provide the broadest and long-term protection possible for their technological innovations. When drafting a patent, it is necessary to take into account possible technological developments and changes in the future, and cover the potential technical directions and application fields related to the invention as much as possible, so as to reserve space for subsequent improvement and expansion of the technology.
4. Competitive and commercial considerations
Concealment of core technology: In complex patent documents, inventors can cleverly hide the key points of core technology in a large number of technical details and descriptions, making it difficult for competitors to easily obtain key technical information directly from patent documents and increasing technical confidentiality.
Elevate technical barriers: Complex patent documents can create a technological deterrent for competitors, making them hesitate to enter the technology field. Because it takes more time and resources to decipher and circumvent complex patents, this has somewhat deterred some potential competitors.